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Chalet Castello YoutHub - La Fenice APS Tortona IT

CENTRO GIOVANI YOUTHUB ico Chalet Castello - YoutHub

The “YOUTHUB” project starts with the identification of a need, which stands out from informal surveys and the direct experience of both the association and the youth policy office:

The lack of a place where youth can team up, grow together and express themselves. This way they can play an essential role in the rebirth of the social structure of the city. It is a place that gives the opportunity to experience shared planning, training (formal or not, that promotes individual capabilities, expertises and talents) and again welfare (capable to answer the need of a new community by creating social connections between different realities and generations).

The project consists of the redevelopment of part of the SOMS  in Galileo Galilei 01 (Tortona) in such a way that know how, creativity, innovation and passion are combined. According to the idea of co-planning, not only are teenagers the main characters of the policies dedicated to them but also actors of projects and programmes made for the whole citizenry.


The youth centre  “YOUTHUB” is open to the public from Monday to Friday (from 14:30 to 18:309


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